The following initiatives are currently in the design and development stages and hope to be released in the not so distance future of the organization.


Every Child a Full Meal before going home

We currently are able to provide all of our participating youth with a healthy snack before they leave our services for the day, free of charge.

Our hope is to expand our nutritional supplementation offerings to include a USDA approved full meal daily at our Hilo, Kea'au and Pahoa site locations.

We would provide daily meals (M-F), free of charge, to approximately 300+ Hawaii Island children, many of which are in need of nutritional supplementation.

Please click the link below to help this project become a reality for these kids:  



We acknowledge the critical need for out-of-school K-12 programming services in West Hawaii and as a specialized youth development organization, we are committed to the delivery of a Boys & Girls Club of the Big Island after school program.

We have set a goal date of January 2017 to have up and running a school partnership based after school enrichment program that would help to service several income-challenged housing programs in the Kealakehe community.

Please click the link below to help support the development of WEST HAWAII services. 



We are also beginning a fundraising campaign to develop an out-of-school youth development program for the community of Waimea, to support the working families of Waimea as well as the Hamakua region.

It is our hope to gain the resources and sustainable support of the community needed to carryout longterm after school youth programming.

Please click the link below to support this needed and worthwhile initiative.